Chair - Sam Hodge
Vice Chair - D. Michael Dvorchak
Second Vice Chair - Brenda Gevertz
Co-Secretaries - Marcia Becker and Dorothy Heyl
Treasurer - Larry Singer
Committees & Chairs
Candidates & Campaigns - Lee Jamison & Alex Elmarsi
Communications - Joe Ferris
Fundraising - D. Michael Dvorchak & Claire Ackerman
Governance - Brenda Gevertz & Stephen King
Issues - Carl Atkins
Click here to learn more about our Issues Committee
Party Building - open
State & National Affairs - Mary Murfitt
Town Chairs Committee - Joyce Thompson & Craig Dillon
District Representatives
District 1: Hudson - Verity Smith
District 2: Kinderhook - Mark Leinung
District 3: Claverack - Stephanie Sussman
District 4: Chatham, Ghent - Gunnar Wordon
District 5: Greenport, Stockport, Stuyvesant - Lee Jamison
District 6: Austerlitz, Canaan, Hillsdale, New Lebanon - Craig Dillon
District 7: Copake, Ancram, Gallatin, Taghkanic - Abbie Hodgson
District 8: Clermont, Germantown, Livingston - Pam Kline
Town Democratic Committees:
Chairs & Website or Social Media
(click on a name to send an email)
Ancram Mary Murfitt
Find us on Facebook
Austerlitz Helen Lobel
Canaan Craig Dillon
Find us on Facebook
Chatham Joanne DelRossi
Find us on Facebook
Claverack Stephanie Sussman
Find us on Facebook
Clermont Phyllis Heiko
Copake Marcia Becker
Gallatin Harry Franklin
Sign up for their newsletter
Germantown Lee Wurtzburger
Working on our website—look for it soon.
Ghent David Bly
Find us on Facebook soon—we’re working on it!
Greenport Michael Grisham
Hillsdale Tod Wohlfarth and Jason Durant
Find us on Facebook
Hudson Verity Smith
Find us on Facebook
Kinderhook Mark Leinung
Find us on Facebook
Livingston Steve Blair and Mike Tizekker
Find us on Facebook
New Lebanon Peg Munves
Find us on Facebook
Stockport Louise Roback
Stuyvesant Lee Jamison
Find us on Facebook
Taghkanic Abbie Hodgson and Perry Ascher
Find us on Facebook
CCDC Mission
The mission of the County Committee is to promote and establish Democratic principles and programs in the County, the State of New York, and the United States, and to provide the best possible government for the people of the County, the State of New York, and the United States.
Read the CCDC Platform and Values
Bylaws / Rules
The Columbia County Democratic Committee is governed by a specific set of rules. For full details read our Bylaws.
Get in touch
We welcome your questions, suggestions, and most of all, your involvement. Contact us or join our email list for weekly updates about events and issues.
P.O. Box 507
Ghent, NY 12075
EMAIL (info@columbiacountydemocrats.org)