The Home of the Democratic Party in Beautiful Columbia County, New York


Columbia County NY Democratic Committee upcoming events

Calendar of Events and Volunteer Opportunities

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Poster that says, “Meet & Greet Jackie Salvatore for Columbia County Sheriff with free beer, wine and bites. Tuesday, March 25 5-7 PM at Chatham Brewing, 59 Main St., Chatham. Hosted by Diana Urban & Jonathan Walters.

Telephone Town Hall with Rep. Josh Riley

Wednesday, March 26 at 5:30 PM

Sign up for the Town Hall

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Jackie Salvatore for Sheriff

Dine In or Take Out!
Wednesday, March 26 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Hudson Elks Lodge - 201 Harry Howard Ave, Hudson
Order your meal at $15 per person or become a Sponsor

UHPP is working on securing a bus for our advocates to go to D.C. to rally at the Supreme Court during opening arguments for Kerr v. PPSAT, a case that could have significant implications for people who use Medicaid to access care at Planned Parenthood health centers across the country.

If you are interested in taking a bus to D.C. on Wednesday, April 2nd from Albany, NY, please fill out this brief form.

We may be able to make a second stop in the Hudson Valley for folks who would prefer not to drive up to Albany. Please indicate on this form if you would be interested in catching the bus somewhere south of Albany (exact location TBD).

We will provide more information about this trip to those who fill out this form when we have secured the bus.

Bus to D.C. Registration Form - Wed. April 2nd

Every Tuesday  12:30 PM - 3:00 PM  Home of Thalia Cassuto  940 Dugway Road, Spencertown  Thalia Cassuto coordinates postcard workshops for local and national democrats. Join her and her postcarding team to connect with voters.

Every Tuesday 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Home of Thalia Cassuto
940 Dugway Road, Spencertown

Thalia Cassuto coordinates postcard workshops for local and national democrats. Join her and her postcarding team to connect with voters.

Phone Bank for Blake Gendebien

Every Wednesday, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Register for phone banking

Blake Gendebien is the Democratic Party candidate for what will be a special election in early summer to replace Elise Stefanik in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

Join in on this special phone bank with Blake Gendebien to kick off our grassroots volunteer efforts! A phone bank is a great way to come together, talk to voters about issues they care about, and help us win this special election.  Whether you are new to campaigns or experienced, you have a place with our people-powered campaign.

Watch for the Blue Wave Brunch coming up this spring!


The Columbia County Democratic Committee meets on the 4th Thursday of the month via Zoom. If you are interested in attending, contact us at

If you are interested in attending other meetings, contact the Committee Chair or your Town Chair (see list on About page).

Meetings of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors and its subcommittees are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, see the Board of Supervisors calendar.