Vote Absentee?
anyone may vote either by absentee ballot or early voting ballot in new york
Your ballot must either be brought to the Board of Elections by 9 PM on Election Day or, if sent by mail, clearly postmarked by Election Day. However, it is best to get this done as far in advance as possible. Do not leave it to the last minute.
Click the button above for detailed information and to fill out the appropriate form to request either an absentee or early voting ballot. You may apply online or print out the form and send it in by mail. Be sure to check the deadlines!
See the example below for more information on what to fill out on the application form. Your ballot will be sent to the location you put on the form. Be sure you can access that location. Once you receive your ballot, fill it out, and mail it back immediately with a clear postmark. Don’t forget to sign your ballot and the envelope!
If you have any questions, please call the Board of Elections and ask to speak to a Democrat.
Columbia County Board of Elections
Phone: (518) 828-3115 Fax: (518) 828-2624
401 State St, Hudson, NY 12534