What to do if your name is NOT in the poll book.
If your name is not in the poll book, you can still vote.
There are a few key steps outlined below that you must take to verify your polling location and obtain either an Affidavit/Provisional Ballot OR a Court Order.
If you have any questions call the Board of Elections and ask to speak to a Democrat at 518-828-3115.
An Affidavit Ballot may be used by any voter whose poll record is missing (whose name is not in the Poll Book) and who claims to be a registered (or enrolled) voter in that Election District.
An Affidavit Ballot may be used by:
A person who is already registered in the county and has recently moved into the Election District but whose name does not appear in the Poll Book.
A voter who, per “ID REQUIRED” notation in the Poll Book, needs to present identification at the polling site but does not.
Note that a voter is NOT required to provide identification to vote by Affidavit Ballot. These ballots are NOT opened on Election Night because the Board of Elections must do additional research before determining if you are eligible to vote in the election. An affidavit vote may or may not be counted, depending on the Board’s findings.
A Court Order is issued by a Justice of the Supreme Court or a County Court Judge. The Judge can provide a Court Order allowing a voter to vote on the voting machine on Election Day.
Confirm that the Inspector is spelling your name right when checking the Poll Book.
Confirm that you are in the correct Election District and polling site.
Provide the Inspector with your residential address.
Ask the Inspector to call the Board of Elections to confirm your Election District and polling site.
If you are in the correct Election District and polling site, and your name is not in the Poll Book, the Inspector must give you a “Notice to Voters” statement, which outlines your available legal options. See “Notice to Voters” statement below.
You may use an Affidavit/Provisional Ballot OR request a Court Order to vote.
Affidavit/Provisional Ballot
The Inspectors will give you an Affidavit Ballot Envelope (see below) for you to complete. An Inspector from both political parties must review the Envelope for completeness. You will then receive an Affidavit Ballot. You will vote the Affidavit Ballot, seal it in the Affidavit Envelope, and return it to the Inspectors.
Court Order
The Inspectors will contact the Board of Elections at 518-828-3115 and advise them that you want to request a Court Order to vote. They will direct you to the Board of Elections office at 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534. When you arrive, you will receive instructions about meeting with a Justice of the Supreme Court or a County Court Judge.
If successful in obtaining a Court Order, you must then present it at your polling site and follow the directions on the Court Order. You will be asked by the Inspector to sign in the Poll Book.
Questions: Columbia County Board of Elections ~ Call 518-828-3115 and ask to speak to a Democrat ~ Visit 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534
The New York Democratic Lawyers Council, a joint project of the New York State Democratic Party and the DNC, is focused on protecting voters.
If you have any questions or issues when attempting to vote, call the
Voter Protection/Assistance Hotline at 855-VOTE-4-NY (855-868-3469).
Click here for more information about the Voter Protection/Assistance Program.
Appendix A: Notice to Voters Statement
Appendix B: Affidavit Ballot Envelope