The Home of the Democratic Party in Beautiful Columbia County, New York


You may register to vote online for this year’s elections or in person Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM at the Board of Elections 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534 .

Check for important deadlines for voter registration on the Columbia County Board of Elections website.

Find your Election Day poll site:

Find your State Assembly Member:

Voting By Mail or Absentee: Anyone may apply online for an Early Mail or Absentee ballot or in person at the Board of Elections (at 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534).

Note: A voter who has been issued a mail or absentee ballot by the Board of Elections is permitted to vote by affidavit at Early Voting or on Election Day — this may be necessary if, for example, you lost, spoiled or did not receive the mail ballot by the time you wish to vote.

Have a Second Home in Columbia County? 

Make Your Vote Count!

Whether You Rent or Own, You Can Vote from Your Country Home

If you have a second residence in New York State, the law permits you to vote at either your primary residence or your second residence. Learn more about dual residency. By registering to vote at your residence in Columbia County, in a swing district such as ours, your vote will have a great impact on local, state and Congressional elections. These races are among the most hotly contested in the country.

Registering to vote from your second residence is quick, legal, and uncomplicated. About registering to vote upstate

The deadline for registration for this year’s election ended on October 26, but you can register or change your registration for next year. However, it is best to do this after this year’s election because the workers at the Board of Elections will be very busy during election time.